Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pushed our vaca up, but still had to cut it short by a week due to G4. Decided to stay on, while the Guys went home for 2 days. Felt a little guilty about G4 going to SS on his own, he gets so nervous, but this time I thought of me first. And still had problems to deal with over the phone, such asses.

This trip G3 had some issues, what a SOB he was - more so than usual, I think he was pissed at not being able to go to Lincoln, but the way he lied to her, still makes me sick, he did ease up towards the end, maybe it was nothing, but I am tired of his BS

Trying to make this alone time productive for me, we'll see.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

So much has happened. Teeth done, G3 too, more work for him, being an ass about it. Not returning to that dentist again. Ohmaha visited yesterday, first time that bitch ever visited us since we were married. Meg is ugly, so is the baby, I think they are not trating it right, if I never see them again, it won't be too soon for me. But the saga will continue. I will let her know that we know as soon as I can, then fuck her.

G4 really fucked up, he failed 2 classes, I warned him & warned him but he did not listen, for the first time in his life, I felt feelings of dislike towards him.

Dad is slipping away, I am not prepared mentally.

I hate it here & so badly want to move to ME, 2 years seems like forever.

Said no to the wedding & glad I did- fuck them

Hah MAD got upset tha someone said fuck on FB she should only know

G3 is loosing it too- lots of crap in store for me in the future

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Nee Year, new begining - felt bad, now feel good. So energetic, so strong, so scared & so alone.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

So many things happened. Got my temp upper & lower bridge & had perio on the left, then this Wednesday on the right. After that my permanent bridges will be put in place.

Felt so guilty about spending the money on my teeth, but I can actually smile with an open mouth again - something I haven't done since before I was married.

Had normal thyroid levels finally for the first time since my diagnosis. BUT I broke out again in head to toe hives, with my right arm blowing up four times it's size. Hives are gone now, but the skin on my right arm is still nasty!

I had a wonderful lunch with the tramps & we talked for hours. I haven't talked with women like that probably for 10 years or more.

I am so sad about my friend/family situation. I feel so alone & so forgotten. As usual our Christmas was totally crappy - not a call & we just sat around, dad sleeping, Billy in his room. Why is it like this?

The Omaha bitch didn't even call Guy. I will get my peace someday.

As with everyone else that has ever tortured me & I finally contacted & told them off - she will one day hear how I feel.

Regina R. from St. B. was contacted by me & I told her how shitty was was to me all those years. HAH - she says she doen't even remember me. Too damm bad - I hated her guts for so long. Same thing with Paula, Grace Kling & Rich. My mother always said "The wheels of the gods grind slowly, but exceedingly fine". AKA - KARMA baby - Karma!

Friday, November 5, 2010

OMG - only only posted this AM? Can't sleep lately - days seem very long

I always wished for it & now I have it - as they say "be careful of what you wish for".

Tooth fell out today - plink, right into the dish
Paying as I go - not a lump sum

Trying to light a fire under the estate - G3 got annoyed too dam bad - I want to see the money - I know she is still spending it. Will find out his rights & then fix it - you know I will

Got things moving finally with PA - all the damn tests & applications are done - now just gotta find someone who wants to buy it

I need to move - to do - to clean - to organize - why then can't I? I piss myself off so much